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Shonta Moon about 1 year ago said

Hi Sharon, It’s almost a 2 hour drive for us and I really hate that considering he’s missing out on a lot of events because of this. Hopefully this will change soon. We was told if he doesn’t get housing by October the list will be removed and we will have to do the process over for next enrollment, fingers crossed for a miracle to happen before next month.

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Shakia Garrett about 1 year ago said

Hi Sharon and Shonta. Same boat regarding housing and transportation. 🙏🏾

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Shonta Moon about 1 year ago said

Shakia I’m 🙏🏾 also something changes for us both. My son is currently going online but he is stressing so bad bc the experience of having an actually teacher is missing and he feels like he’s not learning anything because he’s basically doing it on his own. I don’t know what other options they have to help with this situation or what else we can do but if anybody has any information that can help us out I would appreciate it. Life is already stressful as is and I don’t want his first year of college online or not to be hard for him when it doesn’t really have to be.